Green Plant Studio
Green Plant Studio is a company engaged in the design, implementation and maintenance of gardens. Individual approach, creative outlook and customization always guarantee successful realization of gardens, which are later enjoyed by their owners. As part of this project, we did work on building a modern, and reflective of the nature of the company, website. Modern design and references to nature are key aspects of this project.
For Green Plant Studio we performed:
– website design
– construction of responsive website
Green Plant Studio is a company engaged in the design, implementation and maintenance of gardens. Individual approach, creative outlook and customization always guarantee successful realization of gardens, which are later enjoyed by their owners. As part of this project, we did work on building a modern, and reflective of the nature of the company, website. Modern design and references to nature are key aspects of this project.
For Green Plant Studio we performed:
– website design
– construction of responsive website